December – Winter Holidays!

November was sweet!  Got some music ready for the holidays, wrote some new music, and played a great gig!


I had a great time at the Fresh Start Café in Canonsburg!  Played a few holiday favorites as well as my own music, and had a great helping hand from Susan Spangler (that’s her playing the mando in the picture at the top of this email).  Mollie Erlichman arranges to have music there almost every Saturday; check out her Facebook Page for the latest.  It’s a chill place with good music and good coffee, tea and cafe treats.


Another quieter month, to enjoy the holidays with family and dig into music.

You can see me and some special guests doing a special show of ballads, tunes and holiday music on December 15, 6:00pm-8:00pm, at Ruckus Café in Shaler PA (just outside Millvale on Babcock!). The owner, Chris, does a super job of supporting the community, visual arts and music. The café drinks and eats are pretty darned good too! Come see me, and check out the many other holiday events at Ruckus!

As always, check out for late breaking news and gigs.

See you out in the world!